Subject: What a genius (if WEIRD) idea... … Did you know the ability to ‘rent a cock’ is a thing. Before you start wondering what websites I’ve been visiting recently, let me quickly explain that we are talking here about the feathered variety! At this point you might be (understandably) thinking, who in their right mind would want to rent a chicken. …And indeed why?! (I promise still nothing to do with THOSE type of websites) Apparently there are many people who like the idea of getting ‘closer to the land’ by keeping poultry whilst still benefiting from living in the city. But they understand this is a big step to take. What if they don’t take to it? All of a sudden they have to get rid of a load of livestock along with all the infrastructure involved in keeping the chickens. So that’s where a resourceful couple from Traverse City, MI saw an opportunity. They set up a business where by you can ‘trial’ owning a brood of hens for the summer. For $250 they provide everything needed to give small scale poultry farming a go. Weird? Too right. Useful? Absolutely! Just a matter of spotting a need and satisfying that need. It’s amazing how simple it is when you boil it down to the core elements of being a success. Have yourself a great day Andy P.S. My 30 x 30 Free Business Challenge won’t be teaching you anything as left field as chicken renting… …but what it will do is give you a 30 day route to setting up your own income generating vehicle. And show you how to do that in just 30 minutes a day AND using completely free resources. You can get your access to the challenge HERE: This ISN’T just theory. I completed all the steps included in the lessons myself to see if they worked in practice. (Which they did, I had created just below $200 before the end of the 30 days!) Check out the full details now before I close the doors again: Personal 1-2-1 support options are also available. =========================================== Subject: Are you using this SIMPLE fact to get you where you want to be? … When we talk about habits (especially at this time of year) we tend to think in terms of negative actions we want to stop. Eating too much, drinking too much, picking your nose or doing unspeakably things with a knobbly parsnip - OK, that last one might just be me ;) But it is fair to say we tend to focus on the downside of habits, rather than the huge upside potential. The brain is specifically designed to create habits (usually through repetition) to make life easier. Basically our brain is like a 14 year old boy, but without the hormones! It tries to do as little as humanly possible. By creating habits, it allows us as humans to do things in a semi-automatic way, therefore making it easier AND taking less effort to complete. They are like little software programs running parts of our life. So along with all those habits you would really like to stop, there is a whole bunch of other stuff that works really well for you. Stuff that can help you: Save time Create more results Perform more efficiently Increase competence Enhance outcomes Research has shown that habits are easier to make than break. Now this is a bit of a double edged sword for us. If you do have negative habits you want to get rid of, you are going to have to really work at it… …HOWEVER if you identify a good habit you would like to create, it is relatively easy to do so. And the key to forming a habit is simply repeat behaviour! The more you do something, the more engrained as a habit it becomes. Neural pathways are created in the brain and strengthened by repeated use. And as you form your habit, you use less and less mental energy to do it, the more ingrained it becomes leaving more mental energy for other things. (I told you, your brain is a lazy git at heart) One key thing though, it has been shown you can’t ‘think’ a habit into existence. You must take action for the required parts of the brain to be activated. I’m sure visualisation will help, but the key is taking action. So habit forming is relatively easy, so what?! Well with regards to your success this is a humdinger of a fact. Create a habit of doing something every day towards achieving whatever your goal is. (Ideally at the same time of day – really strengthens the habit creation process) This could be writing a an email to your subscribers, recording a new video, creating content, interacting with others in your niche to build a reputation, posting things on ebay to sell… …whatever will get you closer to your goal, just do it. And as a Brucie bonus, your brain doesn’t limit you to one habit. Why not create a whole raft of habits that are all designed to move you towards where you want to go. Read 30 minutes a night before you go to sleep. Meditate for 30 minutes a day during a lunch break Visit an elderly relative every weekend etc, etc, etc I can’t tell you what YOUR habits should be. But wouldn’t it to be great to focus your attention on starting habits that are going to benefit you, rather than having to stop stuff. Give it a go and this year set some belated New Years resolutions to CREATE some habits, rather than stopping some. See where it can take you. Get back to me if you have any questions about today’s mail. All the very best Andy p.s. One of the objectives of my 30x30 Free Business Challenge was to create a habit of doing something every day to build and sustain a profitable online business. There were also other objectives, like creating a program that people could start with NOTHING, no site, no list, no product and no experience. Also the objective of creating a route where people could start a business with zero cash investment if they wanted to. And finally to have a support group so that no one is alone with their efforts. This has been working really well with not only me, but other Challenge members chipping in to help anyone with questions. I have also been having some very interesting conversations offline with those individuals who invested in the upgraded support. The reason I tell you all this is that I will be closing the Challenge to new members at the end of this week. Therefore I wanted to give you a headsup if you were on the fence about joining. Remember you do have the opportunity to join the challenge at no cost (but again you only have until the end of the week). You can get the full details HERE: Whether you want to create a habit, a business, an income or all of these things, I believe my 30x30 Challenge will help you do just that. Get in there NOW before it closes. =========================================== ubject: I thought it was time for another (bad) joke?? … Let’s start with a funny: I got a new stick deodorant today. The instructions said: Remove cap and push up bottom. I can barely walk, but at least when I fart the room smells lovely. OK, with that out of the way, I just wanted to let you know my 30x30 Free Business Challenge is still oprn. Full details can be found below: The final thing I wanted to let you know about was the extended support options I have provided for the challenge. Everyone gets access to the FB support group, where you will be part of the 30x30 Challenge community. However, for those who would like greater access to me, there are a couple of options I provide. I have tried to make this as complete an offering as I can. Check it out below: All the very best Andy =========================================== SSubject: Are you up to the challenge? … I always wondered... Was it possible to start a business with zero cash and very little time? I didn’t want to settle on THEORETICALLY showing it could work. And it seems, experienced online marketer Andy Waring had exactly the same thought. And so he did the research... ...put in the effort... ...and actually set up a system from scratch (without spending a penny) that was earning within 30 days. Not only that though, but he also documented each step he took. 30 lessons based on exactly what he DID. Not just theory, but the steps he went through personally. He found free resources. He even set things up from scratch, being careful not to utilise anything he had already created (ie not using his existing list or existing reputation, etc) He wanted to duplicate the experiences and challenges of someone starting from scratch. And with those self-imposed rules he got stuck in. The results? Well apart from learning loads, he managed to create $139.93 in income before he had even completed the 30 day challenge. OK, before you say anything, I know this isn't a fortune, but remember this was within 30 days AND he hadn't spent a penny creating the income! And, of course, at the same time he was building a small, but growing list that he has been able to market to in the long term. Why am I telling you this? Well, apart from letting you know that you CAN succeed, whatever your circumstances… …It is because I’m excited to tell you that I have partnered with Andy to let, you as one of my subscribers access this powerful 30 day challenge. You can get your access HERE: YOUR LINK You even get the extremely valuable bonus of access to Andy’s 30x30 Challenge Support FB group. You will be able to ask questions. You will be able to ask for advice. You will even be able to see the posts from others who have been through the challenge…nothing is hidden). YOUR LINK I will close by saying something you might find a little surprising… You CAN’T create a major business using all free tools/resources. HOWEVER, what I DO KNOW (because Andy has shown how to do it) is you can start with no cost options and upgrade as and when you are creating the income. I look forward to having you on board, and if you do have any questions, just hit reply. All the best YOUR NAME p.s. As much as this challenge has been designed for individuals who have no time and/or no spare cash, there is going to be consistent effort required over the 30 days. This is NOT something for nothing. If you are clear and happy about that then I’d love to see you involved YOUR NAME =========================================== Subject: Forget 3D, see how 4D can help you succeed … We all have been in situations where we have got too much to do in too little time. It is stressful It can be overwhelming. It can even stop us doing anything at all. So if you have ever been in that situation, I wanted to share with you the 4D approach I use to get the best out of the time you have available. Firstly though, to use it (or any other ‘time management’ strategy successfully), you really need to know what your priorities are. What are you trying to achieve? What are your goals? Most of us have an idea, but it is well worth working out exactly what you want… …and just as importantly what you DON’T want. Once you have this in mind you are ready to go. The 4D System is: DO – if the task is important with regards to you achieving what you want, get it done now. DELEGATE (Outsource) – If the task is important and can be sensibly and cost effectively done by somebody else, then get them to do it. We often under estimate our hourly value and therefore try to do everything ourselves, even if we are not an expert or even particularly good at the task. DELAY – If the task is important but not particularly urgent can you reschedule for later? BUT don’t overdo this!! DUMP – It is very easy jut to do things because they are habit or someone else wants us to do them. This ‘D’ is getting you to reassess your tasks and if there is anything you are doing that doesn’t contribute to your overall goals…just get rid. Along with delegating tasks, this can be one of the most difficult things to do. However get it right and it’ll make a huge difference to your effectiveness. Get these 4 D’s correct and you could find yourself achieving so much more in far less time. Have yourself a great time filled day and let me know if you have any questions. All the best Andy p.s. One of the reasons I created the 30x30 Free Business Challenge is that I recognised that time (along with cash) is a major hurdle for people trying to create an online income. So that is why I have created it with daily 30 minute tasks. And also why the tasks use totally free resources. In other words whether you are cash rich but time poor… …or cash poor but time rich (or even cash poor AND time poor for that matter) this challenge can work for you. Get your full details HERE: You will see that I have even provided a way for anyone to get access to the challenge at no cost. I really wanted this to be something different that could make a real difference for people. You also have free access to the 30x30 Challenge Support group, plus the option of upgrading to 1-2-1 personal support from me. I will end by reiterating that this isn’t just theory. The lessons were each written once I had completed that step myself. So I have done the challenge…AND was earning before the 30 days was up to boot. Get in now while the Challenge is still open: I look forward to welcoming you on board :)