“Turn The Coldest of New Subscribers Into Rabid Fans Who Devour Every Email You Send…


  …Even If They Have Always Ignored You In The Past.”

If you are sick of spending hard earned cash on adding subscribers to your list, only to find they never even open your emails, let alone click on the links...

…That is all about to change! Discover the power of a relationship building, 'subscriber training’, follow up sequences.


I guess you know that feeling when you follow the advice everyone gives about building a list, but then your subscribers you worked so hard to get completely ignore you.


If this is your experience, don’t worry, it is really not your fault. 

The thing is there are so many people out there only giving half the story when it comes to succeeding online.  

You are told to build the list and the riches will be yours for the plucking.  

Create a lead magnet, set up a funnel and send some traffic to it and you are sorted right?  



The Truth Is, You Can No Longer Expect People To Open and Read Your Emails Just Because You Gave Them A Freebie

This is thinking that might have worked 10 or 15 years ago, but not anymore.

People are more sophisticated and wise to what is going on today.

BUT there are lots of people out there still spouting the same old, outdated theories.  

So it’s time to think again.


 You Need To Approach This From Another Direction

All you need to do is shift your focus and those same ‘freebie seekers’ you complained about before can become your best customers…  

…buying from you again and again…and again!


 All You Need To Do Is Make A Slight Adjustment To What You Are Doing To See Your Engagement and Results SKYROCKET


Most people are amazed at how easy it is to create the sort of engagement with new subscribers that makes them want to listen (and act upon) what you have to say.

And the thing is, because so few marketers are actually doing this, you will rise head and shoulders above those other marketers who are following the old, worn out methods.

It is about treating subscribers as people and, for the first time, I will be showing you EXACTLY how to do that with specially created simple email follow up sequences.

Stats From My Autoresponder


It Really Isn’t Difficult to Get a Subscriber on Your Side


It is all about moving your attention from purely building a list and on to building a relationship with those that do subscribe.

Getting them to care because you care about them.

The objective is to get them to know and like you, rather than just trying to sell to them.

(Although I will be showing you how to subtly do this as well )

At best, what you have been told so far has an important element of the story missing. You have been bombarded with the advice to ‘build the list, build the list, build the list’.

But that is not what successful marketing is about today!

So it really isn’t your fault – the old myth has been repeated so often that it is easy to think it is what you HAVE to do.

Nothing could be further from the truth.


 Fortunately It Only Takes A Small Change To Drastically Improve Your Online Results


You are not going to have to do anything particularly clever.

You aren’t going to have to do anything you probably don’t do all the time in the ‘real world’.

You are not going to have to spend hours of your time writing and scheduled months’ worth of emails.  

With my help, all you are going to do is set up a small sequence of emails that will get you noticed and build a relationship with your subscribers.



KISS Follow-up Sequences

“How To Get Your New Subscribers To Love You And Open Your Emails”

White Label

Get the rare chance to purchase the Co-Branding and White Label rights to a best-selling guide from a reputable marketer.  

With the rights I am giving you, you can replace my name with yours, put your name alongside mine as co-authors, or even just leave it with my name as the author.  You can use the content as is, or edit it the choice is entirely yours.

You will get everything you need to create your own offer including sales page, source file, emails swipes and original PDF.

Personal Use

Get personal access to the publication where I forensically analyse one of my follow up sequences.

Understand the methods I use to get subscribers onside from day one; ensuring they open and read my emails.


What Will The Latest KISS (Keep It Stupidly Simple) Guide Do For You?


Everyone knows that first impressions are important.

And I would even go a step further and say that first impressions are ESSENTIAL when you are trying to succeed online.

So that is what this guide focuses on.

The content ensures the first impression you make with your new subscribers is one that grabs their attention and gets them wanting to open and read your emails.

In the guide I dissect a short, proven 5 email follow up sequence that will immediately start the relationship building process.

I show you how to write short follow-up sequences of your own, quickly and easily, that will ‘train’ your subscribers to open and read your emails.

You don’t have to be a master copywriter, just someone who lives in the real world and lives a real life.

I take each email in the sequence and brake it down into sections, explaining in detail the psychology and the objectives so that you can copy the process to create your own follow up sequences, whenever you want…

…In whatever niche you want. 

Step by step - I chunk it down for you to make the whole process as easy as it can be. 

I share with you over 10 years of experience.

Over 10 years of testing and tweaking until I was happy with the results I achieved.

Common sense steps that ensure your list building efforts are not wasted…

and that you are creating sales from day one.

Here Are Just Some Of The Things You Will Discover

  • The key principle to get people to read your emails and click on your links. (Page 4)
  • A big mistake you MUST avoid to keep your subscribers for the long term. (Page 4)
  • Revealed the 4 BIG reasons why it is essential you build a relationship with your subscribers. (Page 5)
  • How to ensure your emails are relatable and not to ‘salesy’. (Page 7)
  • The mistake that means many marketers miss out on a PRIME time to start building a relationship with their subscribers. (Page 9)
  • Why the positioning of the elements of your welcoming email is important. (Page 11)
  • How the look of your email is almost as important as the content. (Page 12)
  • Do this one thing right and you will attract people to you and not drive them away. (Page 13)
  • How being open and upfront and not hiding things, works in your favour. (Page 14)
  • Why the P.S. is such an important element of your emails. (Page 16)
  • A method to more or less guarantee that they look for and open your next email to them. (Page 16)
  • What to include in your subject line to get your email opened. (Page 19)
  • The double benefit of reminding subscribers of their free gift. (Page 20)
  • The sneaky (but ethical) way to use other people’s work to provide your new subscribers with bonus gifts. (Page 24)
  • How to get more sales from your new subscribers without being pushy. (Page 26)
  • The type of subject line that always produces a spike in open rates. (Page 29)
  • How to ‘earn’ the right in the eyes of your subscriber to promote to them. (Page 29)
  • The simple way to never be short of the right content. (Page 30)
  • The focus you should have with your promotions to make the maximum number of sales. (Page 31)
  • How it is possible to really stand out from the crowd and create cheerleaders from your new subscribers. (Page 32)
  • What the 3 main objectives of your follow up emails should be (and in their order of importance). (Page 32)
  • One of the best tactics to get instant engagement from the reader of any email. (Page 35)
  • How to make it more likely that a reader will click on a promotional link within your P.S. (Page 39)
  • The common problem we all have that can be turned to your advantage. (page 41)
  • Increase the likelihood of the subscriber reading your email by using this simple phrase. (Page  42)
  • What you can learn from the soap operas to keep people reading your emails. (Page 44)
  • The three words you should always have in mind when you writing your emails. (Page 46)
  • The misunderstanding that could be costing you dearly when it comes to email marketing. (Page 46)
  • Revealed; two resources that could short cut your marketing efforts. (Page 48)

 What Exactly Do You Get?


You get a 50 page fluff-free PDF blueprint giving you all the information you need to create short email ‘follow up’ sequences that will warm up the coldest of new subscribers.

I take a 5 email sequence I have successfully used and forensically break it down so that you understand ALL the elements that make up a successful sequence.

This is information based on the knowledge of 10 years writing emails that create action.

…Information that also includes a sprinkle of hypnosis, a dash of NLP, but mostly a whole dollop of practical common sense. 

In short I give you all the information you need to quickly and easily create your own relationship building sequences time and time again.


How About a Cheeky Bonus?


If you invest in the guide today, I am also going to give you a swipe file containing all the emails that are analysed.

As I have mentioned, this is a sequence I have used to great success.

You can use these emails as they are and just include your own name and links…

or my recommendation

…add a bit of your personality before scheduling (after all that is what is at the core of this whole training).

Whatever you decide, they are for you to use in any way you think will most benefit your efforts.


You Now Have The Baton


OK, let’s be honest…

I am giving you powerful information that has resulted in me achieving success with a list far smaller than a lot of marketers out there.

It is all simple, straight forward and practical…

but do you know what? 

I can’t make YOU any guarantees.

I don’t know what you are going to do with the information I provide you.

I don’t know if you are going to put it into practice. 

I’m not going to be standing over you insisting you follow my lead.

What I do know however, is that if you follow the advice, you won’t have to complain about you traffic only being ‘freebie seekers’ ever again.

You can be creating you first relationship building follow sequence in just a couple of minutes if you wish.

The choice is yours.

See you on the inside.

White Label

Get the rare chance to purchase the Co-Branding and White Label rights to a best-selling guide from a reputable marketer.  

With the rights I am giving you, you can replace my name with yours, put your name alongside mine as co-authors, or even just leave it with my name as the author.  You can use the content as is, or edit it the choice is entirely yours.

You will get everything you need to create your own offer including sales page, source file, emails swipes and original PDF.

Personal Use

Get personal access to the publication where I forensically analyse one of my follow up sequences.

Understand the methods I use to get subscribers onside from day one; ensuring they open and read my emails.


Copyright © Help Yourself To Success Education. All Rights Reserved.

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